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Missing Data

Content partner
Julius Center
Course coordinator
Anne de Hond

Missing Data

Date  2 - 6 June 2025
Course co-ordinator

dr. Anne de Hond

Course description

 Even in well designed and conducted epidemiological studies, data will be missing. This may include missing observations of the exposure and under study, confounders, or the outcome.

Possible mechanisms for data being missing will be discussed, as well as their potential impact in terms of bias. Focus will be on methods t handle missing data. Examples and exercises will come from various epidemiological studies, including diagnostic, prognostic, etiologic, and therapeutic studies.

Course objectives

At the end of the course, the student will be able to:

  • Explain different mechanisms giving rise to missing data
  • Recognize missing data as a potential source of bias in epidemiologic research
  • Describe key assumptions of methods to handle missing data
  • Apply imputation methods to deal with missing data

Prerequisite knowledge

 Introduction to Epidemiology

Classical Methods in Data Analysis

Course days 5 Days
Course format Lectures, exercises, computer practicals
Assessment 80% Attendance for the Lectures and (closed book) Exam
Number of participants 40
Course fee €  980,00
Prerequisite for participation is sufficient capacity in terms of teachers and locations.
Maximum participants
Fee (€)

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