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Classical Methods in Data Analysis

Content partner
Julius Center
Course coordinator
Drs. C.L.J.J. Kruitwagen


Classical Methods in Data Analysis
 21 October  - 11 November, 2024
Course co-ordinator
Drs. C.L.J.J. Kruitwagen
Course description
This course starts with the basic applications of biostatistics in the analysis of medical research data. Topics are: types of data, location and variability measures, samples and populations, distributions, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, comparing two or more means or proportions (parametric and non-parametric methods), and relationships between two variables (correlation, simple linear regression). The course also includes an extensive discussion of the multiple linear regression model.
Course objectives

At the end of this course the participant

- has insight in the√n law and its consequences for sample size
- has insight in the general principles of decision procedures (“testing”), and is able to apply these procedures in practice using common statistical packages (SPSS, R)
- understands the principles of the following statistical analysis techniques:
o Student T tests (1-sample, 2-sample and paired)
o Analysis of Variance (1-way and 2-way ANOVA)
o Simple and multiple linear regression analysis
o 1-sample, 2-sample and paired proportion tests (χ 2 test for goodness-of-fit, Pearson’s χ 2 test and McNemar’s χ 2 test)
- knows in which situations these techniques can be applied and the conditions that should be met to obtain reliable results using these techniques
- is able to apply these techniques using common statistical packages (SPSS, R)
- has insight in the Kolmogorov Smirnov test (normal distribution) and the Fisher test for equality of variances and is able to apply these tests in practice using common statistical packages (SPSS, R)
- understands the results obtained with these techniques, and is able to apply these results in practice (e.g. in answering a study question)
- is familiar with the terms ‘explained variance’ and multi-collinearity.
- understands the principles of model reduction in regression analysis
- understands the basic principles of the technique of logistic regression analysis
- is able to choose the appropriate non-parametric technique to be applied in case of non-normally distributed data, and understands the principles of these methods.
- is able to apply these techniques using common statistical packages (SPSS, R)
- understands the results obtained with these techniques, and is able to apply these results in practice (e.g. in answering a study question)

Prerequisite knowledge
Introduction to Statistics
Course days
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Course format
Lectures, computer practicals, self study
(Open book) Exam
Number of participants
Course fee
€ 1895,00
Prerequisite for participation is sufficiënt capacity in terms of teachers and locations.

This course can also be followed online. Look at the website http://elevatehealth.eu/courses for more information and costs.


Maximum participants
Fee (€)

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