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Introduction to Statistics

Content partner
Julius Center
Course coordinator
Drs. M. Korporaal


Introduction to Statistics
23 - 27 September 2024
Course co-ordinator
Drs. M. Korporaal
Course description

This course provides basic knowledge of statistics. The course is aimed to level differences in prior knowledge among students and provide the necessary base for the next two statistical courses.

Obligatory book: "The Practice of Statistics in the Life Sciences” by Baldi and Moore (MacMillan publishers), 4th Edition

Course objectives
At the end of this course, the student is able to:
  • Explain and use the different types of variables: quantitative (numerical vs qualitative (non-numerical) with their corresponding sub-types (continuous, discrete, ordinal, non-ordinal)
  • Summarize data in a graphical and numerical way, using measures of location and dispersion
  • Interpret data that is presented both graphically and numerically
  • Calculate the different types of frequency measures, being 'absolute', 'relative' and 'cumulative' frequency
  • Calculate (standard) normal probabilities, apply standardization formula for normally distributed data
  • Calculate binomial probabilities
  • Apply the principle of statistical inference from sample to population
  • Perform simple statistical analysis in the statistical packages R
Prerequisite knowledge
Course days
Course format
E-learning, computer practicals, exercises, self-study
(Open book) Exam
Number of participants
Course fee
€ 980,00
Prerequisite for participation is sufficiënt capacity in terms of teachers and locations.

This course can also be followed online. Look at the website http://elevatehealth.eu/courses for more information and costs.


Maximum participants
Fee (€)

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