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Cardiovascular Epidemiology

Content partner
Utrecht University
Course coordinator
Dr. C.H. Vaartjes

Cardiovascular Epidemiology
 24 - 28 February 2025
Course co-ordinator
 Dr. Ilonca Vaartjes
Course description

The objective of the course is to provide the participant with insight in the principles and important issues of cardiovascular disease epidemiology. Topics that will be covered are:

  • Atherosclerosis, the underlying pathology for the most common cardiovascular diseases;
  • Risk factors for cardiovascular disease;
  • Worldwide trends in cardiovascular disease morbidity and mortality;

In addition, there will be several key lectures given by invited speakers from both inside and outside the UMC Utrecht. During these lectures the latest developments in CVD epidemiology will be presented. Topics in key lectures may include sex differences in CVD, the importance of genes and environmental factors in CVD
Interactive teaching is key in this course. Apart from active participation during the lectures, the participant will be assigned to tasks: First, an individual assignemnt about cvd research in 2030 has to be made and second particpants have to defend a proposition in a debate. This will be a group assignment.


Prerequisite knowledge
Course days
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
From 10 AM to 5 PM
Course format
Interactive lectures, practical exercises
80% attendance and (Open book) Exam.
Number of participants
The number of participants should be 14 as a minimum and 40 as a maximum. Enrolment is a on a first come, first served basis.
Course fee
€ 980,-
Prerequisite for participation is sufficiënt capacity in terms of teachers and locations. 

This course can also be followed online. Look at the website http://elevatehealth.eu/courses for more information and costs.

Maximum participants
Fee (€)

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